4-23-19 Hillary Clinton & Jared Kushner Weigh In On Mueller Report April 23, 2019 Susan Richard Radio
4-18-19 Redacted Mueller Report Released April 18, 2019 Susan Richard Radio Photo licensed through 123rf.com: Image ID #120355236 Copyright : Stuart Miles
3-25-19 Think Russia Probe Is Over? Think Again. March 25, 2019 Susan Richard Radio Photo licensed through 123rf.com, Image ID : 106753105, Copyright: cbies
11-29-18 Michael Cohen Second Guilty Plea – Trump Reax November 29, 2018 Susan Richard Radio Trump image: ©leirbagarc/123RF.COM Hear the President reacting to the second guilty plea by his former attorney Michael Cohen, who admitted to lying to Congress about the timeline of a Trump Organization plan to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. Cohen now says the talks for the tower continued well into the Trump campaign. In this…