1-8-20 House Dems Likely To Impeach – Trump Won’t Attend Inauguration January 8, 2021 Susan Richard Media, Radio susanrichard · 1-8-20 House Dems Likely To Impeach – Trump Won’t Attend Inauguration Image licensed through 123rf.com Image ID : 72046877 Media Type : Stock Photo (Editorial image) Copyright : Karolina Maliszewska
10-24-18 CNN, Prominent Democrats Targeted In Attempted Pipe Bomb Attacks October 24, 2018 Susan Richard Radio
11-1-17 Tribeca Terror Attack Press Conference Recap November 2, 2017 Susan Richard Radio (Photo Credit: NYPD) Susan Richard recaps news conference with Federal, State and Local officialsl the day after the 10-31-17 truck attack in Tribeca that killed 8 people and wounded 12 others.