'Al Jones' tagged posts

4-17-20 Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update 4-17-20 Mayor de Blasio announces changes to 311 after 1010 WINS reporter Juliet Papa raised a red flag Mayor announces more testing sites in hard hit neighborhoods Large events in NYC including Puerto Rican, Israeli and Pride Day parades are cancelled NYS: 2,000 new Covid-19 cases still, per day; 630 deaths yesterday;  1…

President Trump Rescinds DACA (9-5-17)

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announces that the President has decided to rescind the DACA program, Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals, which paved a pathway to citizenship for hundreds of thousands of young people brought to this country illegally as children. Report also features 1010 WINS Reporter Al Jones. Follow Up To Story: 9-6-17